Premium MBA Contact Fair gives you the opportunity to get in contact with top-tier MBA programs in an original and fruitful way!
The Premium MBA Contact Fair gives you the opportunity to learn about top-tier MBA programs in depth. In just one day, and thanks to this innovative format you can attend different university presentations, gather information about the MBAs and the application process, talk to alumni about their MBA experience and, if you are ready to start your MBA soon, talk directly with admission officers in a one to one setting.
Are you ready to apply to an MBA for the 2017 – 2018 intake? Premium MBA Contact Fair is the perfect event for you!
This event has been specially tailored for you! The morning presentations give you an overview of the different programs and insights that are difficult to find in a brochure. The afternoon sessions enable you the to establish direct contact with admissions officers, to explore if you are the right fit and get a better understanding of the program to boost your application.
Students who wish to attend the one to one sessions need to include their resume and indicate which universities they would like to meet when they register to the event. Universities in turn review the resume, academic credentials and work experience and decide with whom they want to meet. You then receive a notification about the invitations for the one to one sessions with the universities.
You are expected to have previously researched about each program and use the time with the admissions officers wisely to make a good impression that can make a difference when you present your application.